Alex Rider Wiki

Pingnova Pingnova 9 April 2012


Hey look! It's a bird! It's a plane!

...No. It's WarriorLoverInc.

Darn. Thought I had something going there. Anyway, you may have noticed that I've been absent for... awhile. I had some real life crisises, and am still in the midst of the shit that hit the fan. Or the car(s), as it were. No story for you people, anyway.


  1. I fixed the menu! Cheer for me, I figured out the new wikitext.
  2. I did a tiny bit to the Facebook fanpage. I'm going to see about putting up a Welcome page and a quiz.

I won't be able to edit often, but I'll try. So, even if I'm the only one alive again, glad to be a bit back!

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Pingnova Pingnova 21 November 2011

ARFFA 2011 - Polls Open

11/18/11 - FanFiction.Net

The Alex Rider Wiki is the official sponsor of the Alex Rider Fan Fiction Awards. Stay up-to-date with our timely articles by our affiliations coordinator: User:WarriorLoverInc.

PsychoWing, a judge and coordinator for the 2011 Alex Rider Fan Fiction Awards officially opened polls today. All of them are on their original nominations threads with the exceptions of Best Humor, Best Friendship, Best Mystery, Best Parody, and Best Completed Multi-Chapter: Short. The exception polls have corresponding titles with the nominations thread they are for (i.e. "Nominations: Best Parody" to "Poll for Best Parody fic"). The exception polls are listed below. Any FanFiction.Net member can vote on polls.

  • Best Humor fic
  • Best Friendshi…

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Pingnova Pingnova 15 November 2011

Newest Affiliation!

The Alex Rider Wiki to date has two affiliations, the Alex Rider Fan Fiction Awards and the #AlexRiderFC of Today, we officially affiliated with the AlexRiderFC in a timely fashion. It helped that User:WarriorLoverInc created the group herself.

If you have an account on deviantART, you're encouraged to visit our affiliate and support their Alex Rider-loving ventures.

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Pingnova Pingnova 31 October 2011

Tintin 2 in the Pipeline

Was anyone aware that Anthony Horowitz was writing the screenplay for the Adventures of Tintin 2? Rated one star by the illustrious Steven Spielberg, the Adventures of Tintin 2 would rediscover the well-loved adventures of the classic Tintin.

Read the full article on the Telegraph UK.

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Pingnova Pingnova 23 October 2011

ARFFA 2011 - Nominations Open

The Alex Rider Wiki is the official sponsor of the Alex Rider Fan Fiction Awards. Stay up-to-date with our timely articles by our affiliations coordinator: User:WarriorLoverInc.

Love Alex Rider? Love Alex Rider fan fiction? The Alex Rider Fan Fiction Awards (ARFFA) aim to recognize the best and most popular fan fiction in the Alex Rider fandom.

  • 1 Origins
  • 2 Nominations
  • 3 Where?
  • 4 Useful links
  • 5 Related articles

The Alex Rider Fan Fiction Awards were opened for nominations in the FanFiction.Net (FFN) forum named "The Royal & General Bank" by the users To Kill a Mockingjay and PsychoWing. Fan fiction awards are not in themselves a new phenomena. Especially within the FFN community, they are often organized by the leaders in that particular fanon's fiction and…

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